Fred “Mister” Rogers
“Won’t You Be My Neighbor? At the center of Mister Rogers’s cheery songs and smiles lies a God-ordained mission to children.“
Written for Christianity Today, March 2000.
Charles Colson
“The Legacy of Prisoner 23226, Twenty-six years after leaving prison, Charles Colson has become one of America’s most significant social reformers.”
Written for Christianity Today, July 2001.
J.I. Packer
“Knowing Packer, The lonely journey of a passionate Puritan.“
Written for Christianity Today, April 1998.
Frederick Buechner
“Flesh and Blood in the Magic Kingdom, Frederick Buechner’s most recent works shed light on the shadows of the human heart,”
written for Christianity Today, March 2003.
Martin Marty
“Sense of Place, The Many Horizons of Martin E. Marty,”
written for The Christian Century, Oct-Nov 2002.
William Langewiesche (2)
““Disaster Man, A conversation with William Langewiesche,”
written for Books & Culture, March/April 2007.
The Aviator
“The Aviator,”
written for Publisher’s Weekly, November 2009.
Baroness Caroline Cox of Queensbury
“Through Bombs and Bullets Baroness Caroline Cox offers aid and advocacy to persecuted Christians,”
written for Christianity Today, Sept. 1997.
Jean Bethke Elshtain
“Civic Housekeeping, Jean Elshtain on mothering and other duties,”
written for The Christian Century, May 2003
James Dobson
“Daring to Discipline America, James Dobson’s influence, already huge, is growing. Can he keep his focus?”
Written for Christianity Today, March 1999.
Andrew Bacevich
“U.S. Delusions, An Army Man Changes His Mind,”
Written for The Christian Century, August, 2009.
Franklin Graham
“Not Your Father’s Evangelist, Franklin Graham has been groomed to wear his father’s mantle. How does it fit?”
Written for Christianity Today, April 1999.
Anne Graham Lotz
“Angel in the Pulpit, Though she eschews the title, even her father says that daughter Anne Graham Lotz is the best preacher in the family,”
written for Christianity Today, April 1999.
Bill and Vonette Bright
“Bill and Vonette Bright’s Wonderful Plan for the World, Evangelicalism’s power couple closes in on their radical mission,”
written for Christianity Today, July 1997.
Diane Glancy
“The Voice That Found Her, Native American novelist and poet Diane Glancy writes by listening,”
written for Books & Culture, May 2001.